Clackamas Partnership Project Tracker
Welcome to The Clackamas Partnership!
The Clackamas Partnership is a collaboration of Portland metropolitan area watershed councils, government agencies, tribes, and other organizations committed to improving watershed health. The Partnership recently developed a Strategic Restoration Action Plan to guide voluntary restoration actions designed to improve stream habitat, water quality, and native fish populations. The Strategic Plan covers the Clackamas River Basin, a stretch of the Willamette River, and other tributaries flowing into the east side of the Willamette River, including Abernethy, Kellogg, and Johnson Creeks. Historically, the Clackamas River and these tributaries supported thriving salmon, steelhead, and other native fish populations.
The Strategic Plan focuses on salmon and steelhead populations that are listed under the Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA). The Plan also addresses anadromous Pacific lamprey and resident Clackamas River Basin bull trout populations identified in federal and state native fish recovery and conservation plans.
Restoration actions are guided by the habitat and population objectives and conservation approaches set forth in the following plans:
- Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife's (ODFW) Lower Columbia River Conservation & Recovery Plan for Oregon Populations of Salmon & Steelhead
Focus species: Spring and fall Chinook salmon, chum salmon, coho salmon, winter steelhead
Co-benefit species: Redband trout; cutthroat trout
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (USFWS) Conservation Agreement for Pacific Lamprey and 2020 Regional Pacific Lamprey Implementation Plan for the Lower Columbia/Willamette Regional Management Unit Willamette Sub-Unit
- USFWS' Final Recovery Plan for the Coterminous United States Population of Bull Trout
Focus species: Bull trout
Co-benefit species: Redband trout; cutthroat trout
The Clackamas Partnership was awarded a grant through the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board's (OWEB) Focused Investment Partnership (FIP) program. The $8,744,080 grant will support fish habitat restoration, outreach, monitoring, and other activities over a 6-year investment period, 2019 - 2025. The Partnership estimates leveraging an equal amount of additional funding from Partnership organizations and other sources to support the restoration program.
Project Map
This map shows approximate Project Locations. For more detail, view the comprehensive map page.