CTWS Side Channel Reconnection
Limiting Factor
Isolated Side Channels and Off-Channel Habitats
Lead Implementer
Confederated Tribes Of Warm Springs
Confederated Tribes Of Warm Springs, NOAA Fisheries, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board
Other Organizations
Clackamas River Basin Council
Project Primary Contact
Isaac Sanders (isaac@clackamasriver.org)
Project Stage
2024 - 2027
Degraded Channel and Riparian Areas
Isolated Side Channels and Off-Channel Habitats
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs acquired the 150-ac. conservation area in September 2017 (~$500,000). The property includes nearly a mile of mainstem Clackamas River.
Key restoration objectives for listed fish species include:
1. Re-connect and restore function to a major side channel.
2. Restore historical habitat that has been damaged by human impacts in the mainstem Clackamas River.
3. Restore functionality of the hot springs for an optimal benefit for Fish and Wildlife.
4. Restore riparian habitat on one side of the river.
5. Decrease trespassing by making campground inaccessible to the public.
Key restoration objectives for listed fish species include:
1. Re-connect and restore function to a major side channel.
2. Restore historical habitat that has been damaged by human impacts in the mainstem Clackamas River.
3. Restore functionality of the hot springs for an optimal benefit for Fish and Wildlife.
4. Restore riparian habitat on one side of the river.
5. Decrease trespassing by making campground inaccessible to the public.
Key Accomplishments
Accomplishments to be provided upon completion of Project
Focal Species
- Bull Trout
- Coho
- Fall Chinook
- Pacific Lamprey
- Spring Chinook
- Steelhead
Project Types
- Restoration
FIP Bienniums
- FIP Biennium 2 work plan
Expenditures by Fund to Date: $968,743.24
Project last updated 11/18/2024