Off-Channel Wetland Area Increase
Related Ecological Concern Association
No Ecological Concerns set for this Performance Measure.
Expected Performance Measure Results per Project
Reported Performance Measure Results per Project
Additional Information
Reporting Guidance
Off-channel habitat for this category is found in a river or streams floodplain and can consist of alcoves, sloughs, beaver ponds and wetlands.
When reporting off-channel metrics there are two important factors to consider:
- Is this a new or existing off-channel feature?
- What is the inaduation frequecy (ie how frequently will fish be able to utilize this habitat)?
Step 1: If this is a new feature, calculate the area. If this is an existing feature calculate the change in area (pre v. post restoration).
Step 2: Estimate the frequency that fish will have access to this habitat (ie. does this have year around connection) based on innudation frequency? only during ordinary high water events? or greater flow?
Step 3: In the expected performance measure (and post constrution) calculate the area of the off channel feature that is 1) innundated at a frequency equal or more frequent than an annual event; and/or 2) innundated less frequently than an annual event up to a 2-year event.
Name |
Inundation frequency |
Equal or more frequent than annual event, Less frequent than annual to 2-year event
Targets by Geospatial Area
The following Geospatial Areas have or should have Projects that contribute results for this Performance Measure. If a Geospatial Area has a Target value it is displayed below.